Monthly Archives: February 2006

Lunch with Aunt Karli and Uncle Gary

We had a great time and it made my week! Thank you Aunt Karli and Uncle Gary for lunch! We love you SO much!

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We had a great visit with Kristin, Nate, and the kiddos this weekend!

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Television memories…

This week has gone by so fast. I guess it helps starting out the week on Tuesday! I am starting to miss my tv. Since Terence and I moved to Maumelle we haven’t had cable. Anyone who knows me knows

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Let it snow….and ICE!!!

I had a wonderful three day weekend! Yeah! I came home Friday night ready to relax! On my way home I stopped by the grocery store and got some milk just in case the snow got too bad. That is

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Valentines Day is TOMORROW…


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Mom, Dad, Bonnie, Jason, Terence and I all went to see the movie “Firewall” yesterday

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Sara, Ellen, Bonnie and I get together every year to do Christmas usually around February or March. I know that sounds late, but that is usually the only time we can all get together! Anyway, Sara got me a fondue

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Our new Apartment

This is our new home! It’s a small one bedroom apartment, but it’s just fine for the two of us while Terence is in school right now!

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Congratulations Sara!!!!

My bestest friend Sara is going to have a baby! Her due date is around September 26th! Yeah!!!! I am so happy for you Sara!

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Life lately….

Terence and I have been doing really well lately. It has take us awhile to get adjusted to our new “military free” lifestyle. Terence is going to college full time. He is doing really well and I am so proud

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