Monthly Archives: July 2007

This has been the best weekend….Mom and Dad came and took us to lunch and a movie today. We saw “No Reservations” and it was a really cute movie. I am going to miss my Mommy and Daddy soooooo MUCH!

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My Dad took this picture of me and Bonnie with Grandma Koeller last weekend. She has alzteimers and she fell really bad yesterday…poor Grandma…you all keep her in your prayers so she’ll get better, she is going through a rough

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All of us girls got together at Beth’s house last Monday to have one last little get together before we all move off! It was sooo nice to visit and look through old pictures of everyone (and eat good food!)….I’m

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This is why I like summer…

….and maybe the ONLY reason, because I normally prefer colder weather. I like my body covered and I love hot cocoa and snuggling 🙂 But the fruits and veggies are SOOOO much better in the summertime….I hate eating salty vegetables

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4th of July

We had a great 4th of July today! We went to Mom and Dad’s today and Mom made a yummy lunch with vegetables from Nannie’s garden. Everything was SO good 🙂 Last night we went over to Kristin and Nates

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Well, the move is drawing nearer! I can’t believe in less than two months we won’t be Arkansans anymore! It’s exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. I have faith that God will provide and I know everything will

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