Monthly Archives: November 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year with Terence’s side of the family. We ate until we were stuffed! It actually started snowing! It was so awesome! I missed being at home with my loved ones, but I am counting

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My new "precious"

I got a back massager today at Brookstone! It’s called the “Ineed” and I definately needed it!!! It is so awesome and atleast now I don’t have to beg and plead for a massage from Terence anymore!

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Yes…I ate the whole dang thing!

I’m addicted to these Christmas advent calendars….I never make it to Christmas eve!

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Making Jewelry

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It’s been awhile…

since I’ve written anything on here. Not much has been going on besides working. Terence is enjoying working at Branch Smith still and I am enjoying the bank! We actually went to the gym last night after a three week

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