Monthly Archives: January 2008

Say a little prayer…

for my hubby tomorrow. He is taking his GMAT and this will determine whether or not he is going to get into the grad school he wants to get in to! I know God is in control of every situation

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I also made some cute little earrings this weekend too! What do you think? These are my disco balls!

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This weekend I found these cute little Valentine “I love you” stickers at Hobby Lobby. And I wanted to do something cute with them so I put them on the mirror in the bathroom the other night so when Terence

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Our good friends Sara and Thomas came through Dallas Friday. We met them for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. They are moving to Alaska next Tuesday!!! I am going to miss Sara (and Thomas, baby Ryan) soooo MUCH! We had

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I got Terence’s diploma framed for Christmas. Custom framing costs a crap load of money! I don’t know when I’ll do that again!!! It turned out good though, and I was pretty happy with it. What do ya’ll think?

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I was invited to a wonderful Valentine’s Day party tonight! We sent Valentine’s Day cards to the troops in Iraq and some other places. It was so much fun, especially since I don’t know many people here yet. We had

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I volunteered to help out the bank with the Fort Worth stock show for the next few Saturdays. Terence went with me and we took pictures of kids with the buffalo. It was a lot of fun and very COLD!!!

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It’s like 78 degrees outside today!!!! What happened to January being winter???? This is crazy! I’ve got the nasties. I havent’ been feeling good lately. Sinus headache and drainage…it sucks, but I think I’m through the worst I hope!

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I can’t believe I’m up this early. I didn’t get to bed until 3:00 AM! I’m such a morning person and unfortunately Starbucks in closed today because of New Years… After we got home last night I just wasn’t ready

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