Monthly Archives: June 2008

This stuff is magic. I swear! If I have a pimple I put this blue stuff on and it’s gone the next day. I love it!

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It’s been such a boring blog week, nothing really to speak of. Terence and I went and saw the movie “Get Smart” last night and it was hilarious. I love Steve Carell!!! He’s my favorite EVER! I heart The Office.

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Fun Wedding Weekend!

This weekend was a great weekend and very BUSY! I decided to drive home on Friday after I got off work at 5:00 to go see one of my really good friends (Beth) from highschool get married. I originally wasn’t

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Yesterday after work I went with my co-worker Adam to go see the new penguin exhibit at the zoo. Adam’s fiance Christa works for the zoo here in Fort Worth. I took my camera too and got some cute pictures

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I finished the “Shopaholic” series a few weeks ago and I have to tell you I loved them so very much! I recommend them to everyone on the planet to read and I can’t wait until the movie comes out

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Whew! Today was crazy! The air conditioner at work wasn’t working and the electricity went out four times due to the high winds we are having today. I just walked in the door and now I’m soaking up the cool

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Yesterday a mama duck and her six ducklings marched right in front of the door at work yesterday. Is this not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen? They were so tiny!

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