This is what I did yesterday and today at work:

I stuffed goodie bags for everyone because it’s our one year anniversary since the bank opened! We are always looking for a reason to have a party at work. I can’t believe Terence & I have been living here in Texas almost a WHOLE year!!! Where does the time go?

SLURPEE=HAPPINESS on a hot day! Go 7-11! Right Bon?

Our SEVEN YEAR anniversary is on Monday. I think we are going to the Melting Pot on Saturday….mmmmmmm…..I’ve never been there but just thinking about it is making me salivate!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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3 comments on “
  1. Happy Early Anniversary! Our 7th is coming up next month too.

  2. Happy anniversary! I don’t think I realized that we moved to Fort Worth around the same time. We’ve been here since August 9 of last year. Hard to believe!

  3. Happy Early Anniversary! Our 7th is coming up next month too.

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