Monthly Archives: September 2008

Allergy season is upon us! I have never experienced allergies before moving here. It’s terrible, I just took some mucinex and I’m fixing to hit the hay. We had a pretty good weekend. Friday night we had a date night!

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Papa’s last days…

I wanted to write about what my Nannie told us about my Papa before he died. It’s really neat and I think it will just touch your heart. Several years ago Nannie and Papa had a man start coming to

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What they don’t tell you…

Terence has taken up Grad school from the ground running. He wakes up early and stays up late. It’s exhausting and I can see it. I have faith that God will get him through this and he’ll do very well.

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Fall change

Well, I guess you figured out from the pictures before that I am now brunette. And no, I don’t feel smarter….my Dad asked if I did.So I’m trying to figure out things that go with my new hair. Terence said

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Papa’s Funeral

Papa’s funeral was just what he would have wanted. A LOT of people came to honor him. It was very very sad, and we’ll miss him with all our hearts, but glad he is no longer in so much pain.

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Fly to Jesus and live….

We lost our precious Papa early this morning. We know he is in Heaven with the Lord now and has no more pain. Please pray for my family and my Nannie that she’ll be comforted in the sad time.

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Weekend Women’s Retreat

This weekend I went to a women’s retreat with Redeemer Church. It was a lot of fun, the hotel was very nice and it was so great to get out and talk to other Christian women and meet lots of

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Wow! Seven years since 9-11…that is crazy! I hope you all have had a chance to reflect today and realize how blessed we are to live in this country and remember all those who died. I’ll never forget the day

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I love where I work! Today we got a group picture of all of us and our red bracelets. Everyone is so awesome and I’m so thankful to God I have this job to go to every day! I also

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I’m on the third book of the Twilight series ya’ll…..I just can’t stop reading them! Well, it helps that Terence is at school every night until after 10:00 so I am alone and I have all the reading time in

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