Papa’s Funeral

Papa’s funeral was just what he would have wanted. A LOT of people came to honor him. It was very very sad, and we’ll miss him with all our hearts, but glad he is no longer in so much pain. It was a beautiful day and I’ll remember it always. We love you Papa, you are the best Grandpa in the entire world and nobody can ever replace you!

Papa’s grave

Me and Bonnie at the Dallas airport getting ready to go home. Dad set our flights up so hers and mine connected and we flew into Little Rock together.

Me and Lindsey on our way to the visitation Tuesday night…so many people came! Papa was so loved!

Here is the whole family…almost everyone!

Nannie picking me some tomaters to take home. They are the best!

Papa’s three girls wearing some of his many hats.

My wonderful Mom and Dad. I love them so much and miss them already! 😦
I know Mom and Nannie have had a few loong weeks and if everyone would just keep them in their prayers that everything would be okay. Nannie seems to be doing fine, but I can’t imagine how it would feel to lose the love of your life after over 50 years. She is the strongest, most wonderful Godly woman I know and God is going to take good care of her. Thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts and comments….it means so much!
Love, Becky

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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5 comments on “Papa’s Funeral
  1. soleil says:

    ((Hugs)) I’m so glad your grandfather had a nice service. Your family is still in my thoughts and prayers. By the way, I almost didn’t recgonize you with your dark hair! Looks cute!

  2. I’m so sorry to hear you lost your grandfather…

  3. ginger ivey says:

    your music is the same as my website…such sweet music, isn’t it?

  4. I’ll definitely say a prayer for Nannie. That would so incredibly hard.

  5. I'll definitely say a prayer for Nannie. That would so incredibly hard.

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