Monthly Archives: January 2009

Ice ice baby!!!

It’s supposed to ice tonight…here’s hoping for a late start/or no work tomorrow! Yeah right! I did get to wear my new puffy coat today 🙂 Just got back from the gym. I am doing so good, better than “I”

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Saturday run around

This morning Terence and I went to go help out with the FW stock show again. It was frrrrreeezzzing!!! We left early because none of us could feel our feet anymore, but I’m sure the buffalo was fine with his

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Baby Jasmine

You may remember my friend Karen from some pictures I took this fall of her pregnant. Last night she had a beautiful baby girl named Jasmine and today I got to go see her. She is so pretty and has

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I got a speeding ticket today….Wahhhhhhhhh!!!!

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Weekend update

Tomorrow I officially start NutriSystem. I finally got the big ole box of food in the mail today. It was HUGE! I am excited about it and although some of the food choices look sketchy I’ll just have to deal

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Fort Worth Stock Show 2009

This was the second year I volunteered to work at the FW stock show for the bank. It is always a lot of fun and it was great weather today.This is me with our mascot “MO”(excuse the windblown hair…it was

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First of all have y’all tried these Naked drinks? They are so good and Terence and I buy them a lot and they have a pound of fruit in every bottle.Every year at work we have a new “theme” and

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Woke up this morning and went to work as usual, only instead of coming home and sitting on my butt I took my gym bag to work and went to exercise with a co-worker Julie. I did 2 miles on

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Last night Terence and I got to babysit our little nephew. He was so good last night and didn’t fuss at all! He drank his bottle then took a nap and woke up and watched some 24 with us. He

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Pray for Summer

One of my dear friends named Summer who I met through blogging has been trying to have a baby for some time. She found out she was pregnant not too long ago, but it was a tubal pregnancy and it

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