Big Cedar weekend

We had a GREAT time in Big Cedar this past weekend! I am so behind on reading everyone’s blogs because I’ve been gone for four days. It was a fabulous and much needed getaway and it was so pretty up there with all the snow. I recommend it to anyone for a vacation! I will try to catch up on my blogging tomorrow…in the mean time enjoy the slide show 🙂

Much love,


DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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13 comments on “Big Cedar weekend
  1. Kendra says:

    Looks like SO much fun!!!

  2. Stacey says:

    Wow! It looks like a gorgeous place to go and get away. I am sure that you had a great time and lots of fun. Glad that you could go and get away this past weekend. The pictures are awesome. Thanks for sharing. 🙂 Everyone looks so rested and peacful in them. You did a fantastic job with the photography. 🙂Hugs and blessings,Stacey

  3. Jealous! i’ve always wanted to stay there

  4. Looks like you guys had tons of fun!!! I love Big Cedar. Isn’t it like you step into another time? Awesome!!!

  5. Looks like fun! Great pictures!

  6. Lacy says:

    Your pictures are just GORGEOUS!! It looks like y’all had a great time!

  7. The Mrs says:

    Looks like you had fun! I have almost 500 unread posts if it makes you feel better!

  8. Looks like a fantastic trip and you look beautiful!

  9. misty says:

    the cabin, the trees, it all looks beautiful! where is big cedar at???

  10. Brandi says:

    I learned about Big Cedar last year from someone else’s blog and told my husband that we are definitely going there this year! It looks so beautiful and peaceful there. I’m glad you had a good time.

  11. misty says:

    the cabin, the trees, it all looks beautiful! where is big cedar at???

  12. Looks like a fantastic trip and you look beautiful!

  13. The Mrs says:

    Looks like you had fun! I have almost 500 unread posts if it makes you feel better!

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