Monthly Archives: March 2009

Week 12 "POUTING"

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Mom’s Birthday Bash

This is going to be a loooong post because it includes the rest of my trip home and Mom’s 50th birthday party. I have the best family in the world and I feel so blessed every time I go home.

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Let the good times roll!

The trip has gone great so far! Tomorrow is Mom’s party and we can’t wait! So far we have spent some good quality girl time together, shopping, eating, and movie watching (we saw “Knowing”). Yesterday we picked up my Mom’s

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Going Away Give Away!!!

I am asking for everyone’s help to spread the word about my new blog designing! What better way than to have a giveaway! Yippeee!!! I love to win FREE stuff and I know everyone else does too! I am headed

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Ugh…the Easter isle is the death of me!

And it doesn’t help that there is an ENDLESS supply of it at work….I won these super cute zebra glasses from Mama Loves Papa’s website! She is such a sweet blogger gal! Thank you Mama! Cute huh? I am still

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No, this precious angel is not mine! He is one of my BFF’s sweet babies….his name is Lane, and isn’t he darlin ya’ll?

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My Ter-Bear

This week’s entry…”NO FLASH”

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Getting ready to go!

I am so excited to go home on Wednesday! Bonnie leaves tomorrow…she always gets to leave before me! Ugh? Anyways, tonight I have dyed my hair and now I’m gonna paint my fingers 🙂 Then I will be all set…besides

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Saturday Fun!

Today I went out with my good friend Karen and her sweet as sugar baby girl, Jasmine. Of course I always have to take the camera with! It was gorgeous out today and we went to Barnes and Noble to

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How many of you out there are GMAIL-ER’S? My sister got me started on gmail e-mail about a year ago and I love it!

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