Going Away Give Away!!!

I am asking for everyone’s help to spread the word about my new blog designing! What better way than to have a giveaway! Yippeee!!! I love to win FREE stuff and I know everyone else does too! I am headed out of town so I thought this would be a good way to say goodbye for a few days…..I’m giving away two of my favorite things….Starbucks and a copy of the new Twilight DVD. Here is how to enter:

1. Post a link to this post on your blog and help
me advertise = 1 entry

2. Twitter about this post = 1 entry

3. Become a follower of this blog = 1 entry

BONUS = If you add my blog button with a link to my blog that is an extra 2 entries!!! Good Luck!

Thank you all my bloggy friends! 🙂

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

Posted in Uncategorized
30 comments on “Going Away Give Away!!!
  1. Tristan says:

    I’m now a follower too!I love this giveaway!

  2. Tristan says:

    Oh…and I twittered too..lol..Maybe I should have wrote this on one comment..LOL!

  3. Shannon says:

    I linked you and I put your button on my page – but that’s all for “free” – since I already have the Twilight Movie – save the goodies for someone else! 🙂

  4. linked your giveaway to my bloggy blog blog – CHECK.becky button added to my page – CHECK.i refuse to twitter but i bought a third column AND a present for doing my blog (sending soon), so i need a freebie (LOL)!!!!


  6. Lacy says:

    I didn’t realize I wasn’t a follower yet…what is my problem?? I am NOW!! 🙂 I hope you have a great trip!

  7. Rebekah says:

    I love this giveaway… two of my favorite things. I linked to your blog and also twittered!! I am already a follower!!

  8. Doreen says:

    I’m following you! (P.S–Love looking at the funny faces you make!! They are cracking me up!!)

  9. Doreen says:

    I have your button up and linked! 🙂

  10. kim says:

    I am a follower now!Kimshopwithmemama.comdaxkimd@juno.com

  11. Kim says:

    I twittered your contest! My username is shopwithmemamaKimdaxkimd@juno.com

  12. misty says:

    put my name in that drawing!!!i’m a follower – check!your button on my page – check!sorry but i don’t twitter 😦

  13. Stacey says:

    Hi Becky! Surprise! I must say that I got the much needed kick in the butt to get back to blogging again. 😉I certainly will let everyone know that you are designing blogs. I admire that skill very much and wish that I knew a little more than I do, oh well, still learning. 🙂Hugs and blessings,Stacey

  14. Teresa says:

    I was happy to tweet at http://twitter.com/TTRigellTRigell at aol dot com

  15. Shel says:

    I’m a followershel704 at aol dot com

  16. Julie says:

    Ooooh of course I will link you!!I already have the dvd–but I love me some Starbucks!

  17. Ashley says:

    I blogged and twittered….and I’m already a follower!

  18. Tamara B. says:

    I am a new follower and I just love your Mom’s new kitchen! It looks like you have a very wonderful family 🙂

  19. anntje says:

    I’m a follower :). Best of luck with your blog designing! I may need a blog redesign soon so I will definitely keep you in mind!

  20. I twittered and followed.

  21. Tamara B. says:

    I am a new follower and I just love your Mom's new kitchen! It looks like you have a very wonderful family 🙂

  22. Ashley says:

    I blogged and twittered….and I'm already a follower!

  23. Tristan says:

    Oh…and I twittered too..lol..Maybe I should have wrote this on one comment..LOL!

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