Monthly Archives: April 2009

Ottoman Dilemma

I’m so mad because we ordered that furniture set and now they cannot get the ottoman to match! The store said they were out and can’t find another one. (NEVERMIND…THEY DID FIND AN OTTOMAN AND IT’S ON ORDER!!!)We still want

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New Furniture

Yesterday Terence and I went out to dinner last night at the Cheesecake Factory and after that we went and got NEW FURNITURE!!!! Yeah! There was a floor sample clearance sale and today they are having and EXTRA 30% off

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I need HELP!

Okay, I’ve been trying to do a new layout for my blog design site…only I don’t like the windows on the sides of the header. What should I put in the space that is fitting for my “style”??? I need

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Week 16 "Reflections"

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Weekend update

This weekend you all know we finally found an apartment. I think we will be moving around May 10th or 11th. There is a Super Target five minutes away and that just makes it even better! Rebecca, Terence’s youngest sister,

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We have a place to live :)

Ya’ll it’s been another looong day of apartment hunting. We found a place and signed the papers and we now have a place to unpack our things! It also has an attached garage and we are the first ones to

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Someone decided to paintball the front of the bank door last night…who would do such a thing! When we all walked towards the door this morning everyone was like “What the heck is that?” IT’S PAINTBALL!!! Just lucky it didn’t

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Twinkie love=Edward Sandwich!

Okay…I promise this is the LAST Twilight related post…I was just having too much fun today 🙂

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A precious girl that works at the bank came to visit from Dallas yesterday and she brought me some SPRINKLES!!! Yeah! It really made my day! Thank you so much Ana! She is a Twilight fanantic too…so we had lots

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Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

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