Monthly Archives: May 2009

28th Birthday

I woke up this morning and Ter-Bear cooked us breakfast….bacon, eggs, and fruit. We headed to Frisco to try out The Cupcakery. There is one in Vegas where Bonnie lives and they recently put one here in Texas too. It

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Thank you Family

Thank you for making my b-day extra special my dear family! As long as I am saying “thank you” I may as well lay it all out here on the blog! Mom, Dad, and Nannie – thank you for the

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Okay-I know I’ve done a lot of birthday posts this week. It’s mostly just for thank you shout outs because I feel so loved by all my precious friends. I don’t mean to brag or show off the presents, so

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LOVE this furniture


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Thank you Summer :)

Have I mentioned how much I love birthdays??? My sweet friend Summer sent me a package today and I love everything she sent! She knows me well! Owl – note cards, stickers, gift tags, and stamp / a pendant that

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Dove Ice Cream

I’ll ask forgiveness later….

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More weekend pictures

I love going home. Mom and Dad spoil me rotten then send me back! LOL! The weekend included going out to eat at PF Chang’s, seeing Terminator Salvation (I thought it was very good…I’m in love with the dude who

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I’m home! Well…not home home…but my home here in Texas. Home will always be Arkansas! While visiting I got to see my best friend since middle school Sara. She was in town from Alaska with her husband and little boy

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On the road again…..

I’m headed to Arkansas this weekend for a spur of the moment trip! My best friend from Alaska is in town, obviously she doesn’t make it home much and I want to see her. I also want to see my

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I love birthdays!

I got ANOTHER package in the mail today from my twinkie! She got me all sorts of things… She got me a t-shirt and hat from the Titanic exhibit in Vegas, some owl key covers, owl & “B” post-it’s, an

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