More running around

It seems like every day I have come home from work and Terence is ready to go…go..go!!! I just want to relax…relax…relax!!! He better enjoy it because in a few weeks he starts his new job and college life is OVER baby! yeah! So tonight we just drove around and spent some time together. We ended up at a pizza place called Bostons for dinner and it was pretty good. Look at me not the TV honey…..
Now Terence is in the bedroom watching The Tale of Despereaux, we had to run by Blockbuster because he wanted to see the movie because the mouse looked “cute”
That’s my husband πŸ™‚
I got these adorable scissors today at a gift shop. They are so much more fun than regular scissors right? I guess this relates back to a previous post talking about my addiction to office supplies…I love post-it notes and pens! I am so glad tomorrow is Friday, we are celebrating Cinco De Mayo a little early and are wearing jeans and having some mexican…”areeba areeba, undalay undalay”
Until tomorrow….night all!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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14 comments on “More running around
  1. you absolutely crack me up! i love this photo and that T wanted to watch the mouse bc he was “cute”! hah! love the scissors. now, you gotta get the tool set to match!

  2. Jacquie says:

    That is so cute that T wanted to watch that movie!!

  3. Hokie Girl says:

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  4. Tristan says:

    ooo…I like those scissors!

  5. Kendra says:

    HA! David always picks his seat at the table when we go out by which one has the best view of the tv!

  6. Shannon says:

    That pizza looks so yummy! Those scissors are super cute! I have an addiction to office supplies too. So, how was the movie?

  7. office supplies are the best…make me feel so organized! Congrats on the ottoman!

  8. Kim H. says:

    I’m cracking up! I thought I was the only one that thought Heaven on Earth was a Starbucks in one hand and a trip to Office Max! HA!

    Have fun celebrating – Areeba!

  9. Laura says:

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  10. Laura says:

    My husband has a few things in common with yours haha =) And I have a hammer with the same purple design as your scissors-fun!

  11. Jordan says:

    That pizza looks very yummy! πŸ™‚

  12. Bee and Rose says:

    LOVE those scissors! You two are stinkin’ cuties!

  13. Bee and Rose says:

    LOVE those scissors! You two are stinkin' cuties!

  14. Kim H. says:

    I'm cracking up! I thought I was the only one that thought Heaven on Earth was a Starbucks in one hand and a trip to Office Max! HA!

    Have fun celebrating – Areeba!

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