Monthly Archives: July 2009

I’m ready already….


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Vegas BABY!

I had a good visit in Vegas with sidder. It was HOT….and I wasn’t feeling good 90% of the time 😦 We made the most of our time together even though Bon had to work and I stayed in her

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I’ve been very sick…please pray this passes soon…..

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Fall…where are you?

Yesterday after church Terence and I went to Cracker Barrel, I love their carrots and macaroni and cheese. YUMMY! I want to find a good baked macaroni and cheese recipe I can make at home to taste like theirs. In

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Stuck on Level 2

Today has been a LONG day! We slept in late and then got up to go out to lunch and then see a movie. We ate lunch and then walked back to the car only to find it wouldn’t start!

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Tonight Terence and I had dinner at Chili’s. They have a new deal on their menu where you can eat for two for $20.00 – includes an appetizer, two entrees, and a dessert.While eating we played with Chili’s new little

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I want one

LOVESAC They are HUGE and I could just chill in them forever! We saw these at the mall last Saturday Also-While at the mall I went into Motherhood Maternity to get some of those preggo pops to help with nausea.

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I’m still here…I haven’t left planet earth! I’m just trying to take it day by day as I’ve been really puny! Thanks to those who recommended the zofran – I feel a lot better today. It really has helped, the

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I think I am losing my mind…

I forgot to put my deodorant on again today I forgot to put blush on yesterday I forgot to put eyeshadow on the day before that I forgot to plug my phone in several times this week And lots of

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I Love You Sidder

I love you my best friendBonnie sent me the sweetest card and a belly book to document each trimester. I love her so much…just wish we were closer so we could see each other. We talk every day though! A

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