Monthly Archives: October 2009

Almost DONE!

We had a final inspection of the house yesterday and there are still a lot of things that need to be taken care of….but hopefully in the next couple of weeks we will be able to move into the house.

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Halloween 2009

We were vampires this year and our theme was “fright night” We always have so much fun on Halloween at work πŸ™‚ Me trying to look scary! And my lovely vampire clan…I mean co-workers JoAnn Julie Kelly Shirley HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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Invitation Preview

This is a DRAFT of our shower invitation for next month. Our friend Kristin is having them made by a friend and I think they are just adorable! Can’t wait πŸ™‚

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What are your favorite products?

I am a bit OCD about things sometimes and some people will tell you I am a germaphobe. I don’t know what kind of cleaners to use sometimes…what is baby friendly and all that business. So I wanted to get

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Munster Mansion

This house is a complete replica of the Munster Mansion and it’s in Waxahachie TX. This couple decided to reproduce it and they currently live in this home! Crazy…would you live there?

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Visit Home

We had a wonderful, but short visit back home in Arkansas. We basically only got to spend Saturday with family because we drove back home today. Yesterday Nannie, Aunt Karli, Uncle Gary, and Lindsey came to see me and we

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Away for the Weekend

I am going HOME to Arkansas this weekend so I will “see” all of you when we get back! Love, Becky

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Thank you my pretties!!!!

My mother in law got the pattern in for the lamb quilt so I quickly drew a diagram of where I wanted the fabrics….what do you think? The fabric choices are a couple posts down if you don’t remember. I

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Should I go back blonde?

I’m debating on dying my hair back blonde again…..what do ya’ll think??? SUGGESTIONS???

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This is for Auntie Summer

Auntie Summer looooves mustaches and so me and Connor decided to wear a mustache too! We love you!!!

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