Connor’s nusery progress

I am on pins and needles waiting to hear from sidder to see how she is doing! She called me at lunch and she is about 5 cm dilated. I just want to see little Jarrett’s squishy little face! ahh!

Anyways! Terence and I (or mostly Terence) put up Connor’s owl decal on his wall. Terence said he thought it was kind of scary looking…but I like it and think it’s cute! It’s coming along…just need a few more things and the bedding and we’ll be good to go!

We are going to take care of the blind cords above the crib!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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21 comments on “Connor’s nusery progress
  1. jen + ryan says:

    LOVE the owl! so cute!

  2. K says:

    It looks great! I love the owl and the crib.

  3. LeAnna says:

    LOVE the owl, too! So cute, and not scary at all. 🙂 Those hubby's… 😉

  4. Lisa says:

    Looks great! I love the owl 🙂

    Cant wait to hear that bubs has arrived


  5. Emily says:

    I think the owl is too cute! Husbands are freaked out way too easy! 🙂

  6. Missy says:

    Oh my goodness – the nursery is going to be so cute!!

  7. Mrs. Dew says:

    awe it looks SO cute!

  8. looks great!! so did you go with the room with the big window or the smaller one? from the picture it looks like the smaller one. congrats on being a new aunt

  9. ~KS says:

    I think the owl is fantastic!! And I love his crib- the color is so rich!

  10. It looks great!! Can't wait to hear all about your new nephew!!

  11. Michelle says:

    The owl is adorable! So cute!

    How is your sister doing? Has the baby made his entrance yet???

  12. So cute! There might be a draft by the window, we found that out with Gooner and had to move her. Congrats!

  13. aww it's cute! i hope you (and your sis) are doing great! =)

  14. Shannon says:

    I think it's cute! I think if you add some greenish curtains it will look like he's coming out of a tree! ha!

  15. nursery is looking great! LOVE the owls!!

  16. Jessica says:

    OMG I loooove that owl, not creepy at all! I'm so excited for Bonnie and now can't wait for your boy to get here! 🙂

    Oh and what a coincidence, I follow a blog called “Everything Turquoise” and they just posted this item today: Perfect for a book shelf in Connor's room 😉

  17. Lil' Woman says:

    I think the owl looks cute! 🙂

  18. nursery is looking great! LOVE the owls!!

  19. Shannon says:

    I think it's cute! I think if you add some greenish curtains it will look like he's coming out of a tree! ha!

  20. Lil' Woman says:

    I think the owl looks cute! 🙂

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