You all must see this movie! It was so cute! We watched it over Christmas weekend with family and my Dad bought us a copy…within the first 15 minutes I was just bawling! The story is so great and I am not normally drawn to animated films, but this was so good! GO WATCH IT!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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20 comments on “UP
  1. Morgan says:

    Totally agree! Loved the movie! Dug was my favorite. πŸ™‚

  2. Leesie says:

    I love animated films, I guess it's the big kid in me. I'm glad to see it was good now we can go out and rent it.

  3. K says:

    That was a good movie!

  4. Jenna says:

    I had heard some good things about it, I'll have to check it out!

  5. Marissa says:

    I agree with you! I loved it!

  6. Amanda Roo says:

    Yeah not a cartoon person but we were told how sweet this movie was. We both were bawling too at the beginning.

  7. meredith says:

    i really want to see this movie! i hear it's sad, but really really good!!

    p.s. – i'm your newest follower! πŸ™‚

  8. I have heard that this movie was great- I need to watch it!

    Twilight Scene It was a lot of fun! We have played other Scene It versions and they were not fun and were hard! But this one was lots of fun and even Brandon knew some of the answers! You should get it!!!

    Glad you had a good Christmas and I love love love that pic of you with your dad and the “tables”!!

  9. ~KS says:

    I have heard nothing but great things about this movie… it's on my netflix list. Can't wait for it to arrive!

  10. Shoshanah says:

    I loved this movie when I saw it in theaters. And was definitely crying during the first bit as well.

  11. Ashley says:

    Ok, no one hate on me…but… I didn't like this movie…I know, I must be a horrible person! LOL! It was not what I was expecting, not a kids movie. If it wasn't for the dog the movie would have been a total loss for me.

    Maybe I should Netflix it and give it another shot! πŸ™‚

  12. Lil' Woman says:

    Awww I want to see it now! πŸ™‚

  13. LeAnna says:

    Super cute movie, I think it hit on just about every human emotion!

  14. Weeksie50 says:

    I loved UP too…
    The love portrayed by him and his wife was so beautiful.. It made me cry too..

    have you seen The Princess and The Frog? It is wonderful too.. Loved it.

  15. Jennifer says:

    Oh I know!! I cried like a baby in this movie (and so did my husband!) It was such an excellent story line and so beautifully done. Absolutely loved it!

  16. Cammie says:

    I loved UP. Have seen it several times. Earlier this year my dog got attacked by a neighbor dog and he was forced to wear the “cone of shame” and everytime we drive down the road and see a squirrel, Sylvie hollars “SQUIRREL!” It's a family favorite!

  17. kanishk says:

    I guess it's the big kid in me. I'm glad to see it was good now we can go out and rent it.

    Work from home India

  18. kanishk says:

    I guess it's the big kid in me. I'm glad to see it was good now we can go out and rent it.

    Work from home India

  19. Jennifer says:

    Oh I know!! I cried like a baby in this movie (and so did my husband!) It was such an excellent story line and so beautifully done. Absolutely loved it!

  20. Morgan says:

    Totally agree! Loved the movie! Dug was my favorite. πŸ™‚

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