God’s Timing

As the date draws nearer for baby Connor’s arrival my mind is full of lots of things. Thoughts of his future and hopes and dreams for his life. I am excited and nervous all at the same time…am I prepared for this journey? I think back over the last 8 1/2 Terence and I have been married and I see how God has prepared us for this new adventure.

I cannot IMAGINE having this baby when we first started out as a married couple, but now I see that all those trials were to prepare us for our future. There were times when we only had $20 in our checking account and we had one car between us for a couple years while in the military. Those are the times that make or break you…and they make you stronger as a couple. You learn about each other in ways you never thought you would, some good traits and some bad. You live through those times and learn how to better yourself for each other and your child some day.

I never “imagined” myself as a mother or how it would be. Terence and I both had goals and ambitions for our lives individually and as a married couple. A child at the time would have only prolonged those goals or even prevented them from happening at all. I saw everyone around me starting to have babies….and my heart opened up to the idea a little bit year after year. When we finally started to try and have a baby it became difficult and some times very discouraging…I began to wonder if I was not cut out for this role. If something was wrong with me? Maybe Terence and I were never meant to be parents after all?

I look back now and think of all the times we had together just the two of us and those moments are so precious. All those years in the military, and school, and working so hard…how every event that has happened thus far was to prepare us for now. The good times and the bad times were all worth it to get to this point. All the waiting and the years of patience were worth every bit! I didn’t think like this then, but I do now. Everything I wanted to happen on my terms didn’t happen the way I ever thought (I am very impatient!)…and it’s a good thing! Life would have been SO much different on my terms, God has his own timing for you and his own plans for you. He knows what’s best and we don’t. God has PERFECT timing…so just when you think nothing is going your way and your plans will never be fulfilled, just remember to be patient and believe that God’s ultimate plan for you is waaaaay better than your own!
XOXO – Becky

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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15 comments on “God’s Timing
  1. I definitely think that the bonding period at the beginning of a marriage is very important – and I think a baby during that time can cause that process to be interrupted a little bit.

    I wish I was better at trusting God's timing in my life…. I am just so confused.

    I should probably blog about the fact that I need to work on my religion in 2010… that is something that suffered greatly in 2009. My bad.

  2. Mrs. Lopez says:

    That is not an easy lesson to learn, but is very important. Ryan and I have only been married for 2 1/2 years, but have been together for 8 1/2 years. I agree that there was no way we should have added a baby to our lives before now.
    I just noticed your wedding date. That's the day I first met Ryan! What a magical day!

  3. Jordan says:

    Awesome post, Becky! Thank you for the reminder!

    PS: You're going to be an amazing mom! 🙂

  4. The Browns says:

    I love you sidder & I couldn't agree more with the timing 🙂 It was meant to be that we are both having boys & they will be so close in age. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful sister & family. I love you so much & you are my best friend. You are going to be an awesome mommy!

    LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. K says:

    You're right, God's timing is always the right time. I wasn't patient and did things in my own time and I've definitely learned some difficult lessons along the way. :/

    I'm so happy for you and I still amazed that after all these years you and Bonnie are having babies right at the same time. I definitely see God's timing in that too. 🙂

  6. This is a great post, Becky! I think this is perfect timing for you guys and I couldn't agree more about the years before a baby comes! The moments are precious and special and you can look back at them and now look forward to the new moments that will be made!

    This post me think back at the 7 years hubby and I have been together 🙂


  7. Hey Becky,
    My friend Lacy (LacyLately) showed me this post in particular. The words you wrote here are so true and inspiring. We do need to trust in God's planning and timing, and not our own. Thank you for your post and opening my eyes to this!

  8. LeAnna says:

    I completely agree. I know a lot of couples who want babies right off the bat, and some are made for that I suppose. I know we waited 2 years and it was exactly what we needed. God showed us when the time was right, too. It was never a question of should we/shouldn't we- we just knew it was time. I love that when we place our trust and faith in Him completely, He never leads us astray. 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  9. Ashley says:

    Very well said!

  10. Tonya says:

    This is very true! It is hard for us humans to quit worrying and trying to control things. Once we stop this and give all of this up to God, things turn out so much better than we could have ever imagined.

    Happy New Year!

  11. I'm just catching up after the holidays, but I definitely needed to read this today. 🙂 Thanks.

  12. Jessica says:

    God's timing is amazing isn't it? Sometimes I do wish it fit in with mine a little better though! 😉

  13. Stephanie says:

    Amen! Good thing we can trust that God knows what He's doing? Cute blog!

  14. Stephanie says:

    Amen! Good thing we can trust that God knows what He's doing? Cute blog!

  15. I'm just catching up after the holidays, but I definitely needed to read this today. 🙂 Thanks.

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