Connor’s Quilt

My mother-in-law has finished the middle of Connor’s quilt! As you can see it’s no longer a lambie theme….I went with OWLS of course! I think she is doing a FABULOUS job and I am so amazed at the work that has gone into everything and I just LOVE it all!

This is the bedskirt (I love those pom pom things!)
This is my Boppy I got at BTrendie (link on the sidebar)
I got the Boppy and the Boppy cover for $12.99!!!!
Good deal alert!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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19 comments on “Connor’s Quilt
  1. It's adorable. I love the pom pom things too. What a great mother-in-law you have. I always wished I could sew. Maybe in 2010! Many blessings, The Twins
    P.S. That nephew of yours is a doll!

  2. The quilt is SOOO cute! I hope you are feeling great and have a Happy New Year! 🙂

  3. LeAnna says:

    ADORABLE quilt! I love it, and that is a major steal on the boppy! You'll love having that, it really came in handy. Even though after a few months it got to be a pain for nursing, it was still a great training tool for helping baby sit up. We used ours for all sorts of things! My little one had reflux really bad, and he even slept propped up on it for the first few weeks. So, needless to say, SCORE!

  4. Leesie says:

    That quilt is precious. I love those little owls.

  5. Jordan says:

    That quilt is adorable!

  6. Ashley says:

    I love the bedding and what a steal on the boppy!! Thanks for voting for our portrait!

  7. Nonnie says:

    The Boppy is by far my most used baby item! I am actually still using it when nursing the twins, and they're 15 months old!

    Oh, and I love the quilt!

  8. Love the quilt! It is so pretty!

  9. ~KS says:

    I love the owl theme!!! I think Connor is going to be all set once he arrives!! Bet you can't wait!

    Happy New Year!!

  10. Lil' Woman says:

    Very cute, love the owls! 🙂

  11. meredith says:

    these are beautiful!! love it!

  12. SO so so beautiful!! Your MIL is seriously talented!

  13. cute bed skirt and I LOVE that quilT!!

  14. Tonya says:

    I LOVE that you have decided to go with the Owl theme. She is doing a fabulous job on that quilt!

  15. ginger ivey says:

    oh my goodness! the owls on the quilt are soooo cute!!

  16. kanishk says:

    The quilt is SOOO cute! I hope you are feeling great

    Work from home India

  17. cute bed skirt and I LOVE that quilT!!

  18. meredith says:

    these are beautiful!! love it!

  19. SO so so beautiful!! Your MIL is seriously talented!

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