Yearly Archives: 2009

North or South?

I know a lot of people like The North Face brand jackets and pullovers. Although, in Texas there is not much of a reason to wear them and if you do it’s a short time. Have ya’ll heard of the

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Busy Busy!

Wow! The month of December is just flying by! It’s been incredibly busy at home and at work so I’ve just been exhausted when I get home. This past weekend we celebrated Christmas with Terence’s family and later this week

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Christmas Luncheon 2009

This year was my second year to help out with the bank’s travel club Christmas luncheon. I always enjoy going and seeing all our customers all together. The travel club is called “Roamers” and they are mostly retired folks who

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In The Land of Egg Nog

I used to not like eggnog, but over the years have developed a certain fondness to it this time of year. Just the smell reminds me of Christmas and I know it’s LOADED with lots of Paula Dean fat creamy

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A Christmas Prayer

I know a lot of you fellow bloggers know my precious friend Summer. She is the sweetest, most whole hearted, wonderful person. She just finished her third IVF treatment and her little birdies are in Heaven now with Jesus. My

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Giveaway and the Sephora Chick

While Terence and I were out Christmas shopping this past weekend I went into Sephora and was looking around. One of the sales ladies came up to me and we had a conversation that went something like this…. Sephora Girl:

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Weekend Re-cap

It seems like we have been going, going, going all weekend long! Saturday we got up early to start doing some Christmas shopping because we celebrate with T’s family next weekend. Today we had the Christmas music special at church

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December Happenings

Every year Terence’s Aunties put on a charity event called “Celebrity Cutting“. It is a lot of fun to attend and you get to see lots of neat people riding some horses! I never knew what cutting a horse was

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Zeeee Starbucks Winner Is….

Before I announce the winner you know I had to show you pictures right?We took our sweet lil‘ cousin Lindsey to Starbucks again…I mean we just have to show her the way 🙂Last time we took Lindsey to Starbucks we

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Getcha some!

Terence’s Aunt started a company called Dromeo several years ago. It is an analgesic lotion that helps with things like arthritis, stiff joints, muscle and back pain. I have used it so many times for back pain, especially since being

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