Monthly Archives: May 2010

29th Birthday…More to Come

Lindsey, Terence, Dad, Mom, Jason, Nannie, Me, Connor, Bonnie, Jarrett

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Kim’s Giveaway!

My friend KIM is having an awesome Giveaway HERE so go enter! She also has a beautiful Etsy jewelry store. You can visit if you click on the picture above. ALSO DON’T FORGET TO WIN STARBUCKS ON MISTER CONNOR! TODAY

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Awesome Day

Today was Awesome day at work. We celebrated how we have such awesome employees!We all got scratch off lotto tickets, I think the big winner was Kelly with $4 bucks! Woohoo! We also ordered lunch from On The Border…it was

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Comings and Goings

Little Mister seems to be doing better today. Last night I gave him a bath with some vapor bath wash and he loved it. He LOVES his bath time! He’s been sooo stuffy lately and his little baby cough just

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Whirlwind Weekend!

I can’t believe it’s already Monday….again….tomorrow! It seems like these weekends just fly by! With each passing day I get a little better acquainted with little Mister and he’s just growing up so fast already. I just love him so

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First Shots

Connor had his first shots today so he’s not feeling too well tonight 😦Terence took him while I was at work today, which is probably a good thing because I would have cried right along with him! He seems to

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Coffee Break Anyone? Giveaway….

Want to win some free Starbucks??? Answer this question : What blogger friend LOOOVES mustaches? (Hint: Google “BisforBrown”) For a 2nd entry : Post this picture of Connor on your blog somewhere and link back to this giveaway and let

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May Weekend

I’m counting down the days until my family gets here Memorial Day weekend. I can’t wait! I get sooooo homesick sometimes especially after having Connor I really want them around. Connor has been an angel baby lately….just smiling and laughing

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Celebrate Good Times!

We celebrated Terence’s 29th birthday on Tuesday. I woke up and walked into the bathroom and Terence said he forgot it was even his birthday! What??? I never forget MY birthday! He’s weird! I brought home some Coldstone Creamery cookies

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Happy 29th Terence!

Happy Birthday my love! I remember the above picture like it was yesterday. It was 10 years ago and you turned 19…it was your first year away from home and I wanted to make it special so I got you

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