Happy 29th Terence!

Happy Birthday my love!
I remember the above picture like it was yesterday. It was 10 years ago and you turned 19…it was your first year away from home and I wanted to make it special so I got you a cake, balloons, and that Texas boot pinata! LOL! Each year has been even more special to me and I love you more than ever! I hope you have a good day today honey and enjoy the last year of your 20’s! I thank God for you and the day you were born 🙂

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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12 comments on “Happy 29th Terence!
  1. Lil' Woman says:

    Happy Birthday Terence!!

  2. Jordan says:

    Aww! Happy Birthday, Terence! 🙂

  3. Angie S says:

    happy birthday! aren't husband the best!!

  4. I love this picture! Happy bday Terence!

  5. Nicole says:

    Awww…Happy Birthday!

  6. Elle says:

    Happy birthday!

  7. Heather says:

    Happy birthday to Terence!

  8. Sara says:

    Happy birthday Terence!! I can't believe that pic is 10 years old… Doesn't seem that long when I lived there 🙂

  9. such fun memories! Happy Birthday to your Hubby!!

  10. such fun memories! Happy Birthday to your Hubby!!

  11. Sara says:

    Happy birthday Terence!! I can't believe that pic is 10 years old… Doesn't seem that long when I lived there 🙂

  12. Heather says:

    Happy birthday to Terence!

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