Comings and Goings

Little Mister seems to be doing better today. Last night I gave him a bath with some vapor bath wash and he loved it. He LOVES his bath time! He’s been sooo stuffy lately and his little baby cough just makes me feel so bad for him! He looked so cute this morning and was in a good mood so Mommy snapped some pictures 🙂

Terence grilled out again last night and we watched the series finale of 24. What are we going to do without Lost and 24 now??? We were talking about television and we both are ready for some good scripted shows instead of all this reality TV.

Yummy BBQ chicken and grilled zucchini and squash

Yesterday at work we celebrate my birthday (which isn’t until Sunday) along with my co-worker JoAnn’s birthday. Our birthdays are a week apart. They got us a red velvet cake and they got me a birthday card with a very GENEROUS Starbucks card that should last me like….months! I was excited! They obviously know me very well! ha..ha..!!! Hope you all are having a great week!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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16 comments on “Comings and Goings
  1. Ashley says:

    Happy Early Birthday!!!

  2. Rebecca Jo says:

    I hate to hear a baby stuffed up – makes me so sad for them…

    YIPEE for Starbucks & gift cards for some yumminess!!!! That's some good co-workers right there!

    Happy Birthday a few days early!!!

  3. Kristen says:

    Happy Early Birthday!

  4. Yay for scripted shows!! (I am just so OVER reality TV. The end.)

  5. KSKH says:

    Boo for stuffy babies! No fun. Hope he is feeling better soon. Have a great birthday weekend! FYI, you share a birthday with my boy who will be 1!!!

  6. Marissa says:

    Happy early birthday!!

  7. emily says:

    your little guy is just too cute!! glad to hear he is feeling a little better!!! and happy early birthday!!!=)

  8. Jordan says:

    He's such a cutie! Yes, they must know you well 😉

  9. Becky says:

    He's so cute – I love his eyes! And you look so pretty in that last picture!

  10. I love his little chubby rolls on the tops of his legs – Cannon is starting to get some too – they are just so cute on babies – love them!

    Sorry to hear that Connor isn't feeling great – I think that Cannon is also starting to get congested too – my daughter has been fighting a nasty cold and cough for over a week so I kind of knew it was coming. I don't know if you have ever heard this, but I read somewhere that if you put Vicks Baby Rub on the bottoms of their feet and then put socks or footie pj's on – it helps them to breathe….seems to help whenever I have done it…just thought I would pass that along 🙂

  11. He is so cute as always! 🙂

    If you need help with that Starbucks card, you just send it my way. 😛 haha. What is that you are drinking in the pic?

  12. Becky I cannot get over how fast he is growing! He looks like such a little man in his outfit!

    Happy early birthday! Starbucks is the BEST : )

  13. Becky I cannot get over how fast he is growing! He looks like such a little man in his outfit!

    Happy early birthday! Starbucks is the BEST : )

  14. I love his little chubby rolls on the tops of his legs – Cannon is starting to get some too – they are just so cute on babies – love them!

    Sorry to hear that Connor isn't feeling great – I think that Cannon is also starting to get congested too – my daughter has been fighting a nasty cold and cough for over a week so I kind of knew it was coming. I don't know if you have ever heard this, but I read somewhere that if you put Vicks Baby Rub on the bottoms of their feet and then put socks or footie pj's on – it helps them to breathe….seems to help whenever I have done it…just thought I would pass that along 🙂

  15. Becky says:

    He's so cute – I love his eyes! And you look so pretty in that last picture!

  16. Jordan says:

    He's such a cutie! Yes, they must know you well 😉

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