Monthly Archives: August 2010

Random Stuff

My sister sent me a care package in the mail yesterday with a cute shirt (picture soon I promise Bonnie), a CD, and this….. “Vampire Blood” hand sanitizer from Bath & Body Ha..ha..can you believe that? My sweet Mommy also

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Curtain Call

He was sleeping like an angel yesterday I got some warm sheets out of the dryer and this was the result 🙂 My little ducky likes to splish splash!!! Look at that mischievous grin 😛 Okay- here is the before

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Did Someone Say Chocolate?

Our home is fairly new. We have NOTHING on the walls and I’ve been wanting to get some frames to put family photos and pictures of Connor in. At Michael’s they were having a sale 40% off their frames +

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A Little Christmas Giveaway!

Connor boy is growing up so fast!In about a week my precious baby will be 6 months! He loves his jungle activity center right now “Momma why are you always taking pictures of ME!” Little toesies You all know how

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Wordless Wednesday


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No Regrets

Life has definitely changed over the past six months. (Possible long post ahead) My sister in law Rebecca and I were talking the other day and she was telling me how she wanted to get back into playing the harp

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Almost Sprinkles

The other night I made some red velvet cupcakes with the Sprinkles recipe for cream cheese icing. I think they turned out really well! I’m not the best at icing cupcakes…ha..ha… RECIPE “Sprinkles” Cream Cheese Frosting 8 oz of cream

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Growing Family

Connor in a rare moment this weekend…sleeping…something he hasn’t really wanted to do at all the past few days! Friday night our good friends Adam & Christa came over to see us 🙂 We love them! I should have taken

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Happy Hatter

Someday maybe I’ll fill my Daddy’s hat We had to take some pictures for Nana & Poppy 🙂Why don’t you come see us this weekend Nana & Poppy??? Terence has been grilling us some good chicken this week This is

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A Day in the Life

This morning I helped Mommy get ready for work I was a good boy all morning and I love it when Mommy comes and wakes me up! It makes me soooo happy! Yesterday I woke up and was COVERED in

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