Random Stuff

My sister sent me a care package in the mail yesterday with a cute shirt (picture soon I promise Bonnie), a CD, and this…..

“Vampire Blood” hand sanitizer from Bath & Body
Ha..ha..can you believe that?
My sweet Mommy also sent me a care package with lots of clothes for Connor and this ADORABLE photo album with owls on it. I love it and I put some pictures in it last night. I told Terence “I have to get some more pictures to stick in here!” His response was “I think you may want to save some room for future photos dear” Ha..ha…I guess that is true! I love getting mail & I have the best family ever!

We saw this adorable house in Dallas a few weeks ago and I thought it was so cute! I just wanted to post it for memory because I LOVE it!

I also have a new review on my REVIEW BLOG if you all want to check it out 🙂
Thank you for all the Christmas stocking suggestions yesterday I will have a good head start and I’ve already starting looking at some of your suggestions! It’s been an incredibly busy couple of weeks….life would you please slow down….just a bit! XOXO Becky

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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12 comments on “Random Stuff
  1. You have a sweet sister and mommy! I have not seen that Vampire Blood- how funny!!!!


  2. you girls are too fun! and I love that house!

  3. Tristan says:

    that is sooo cool!! too bad i only get to b&b about 3-4 times a year..lol!!

    that is a cute album..sooo you 🙂

    I adore that house too!!

    And..T-A has a spoon like that..and I just remembered..lol..i haven't even used it!

  4. Trac~ says:

    Awwww.. so sweet that your mommy and sister both sent you care packages and that is too funny and cute about the vampire sanitizer from Bath and Body. And your son is growing up too fast! He's just precious! :o) xoxoxo

  5. Angie says:

    I love bath and body works!!

    I like your new header…it looks great. I am ready to change my blog again, I just don't know what I want to do.

    Care packages are the best!

  6. Soo… you know where I work, right? As in, see that first pic. That's where.

    Anyways, that stuff sells like HOTCAKES. All the Twilight freaks are lining up for it… and unfortunately we sold out weeks ago. And it's backordered forever.


  7. Ginger says:

    Like your new blog look. Don't you love packages and mail. Anything other than bills! lol Have a great day!

  8. Love the new blog header, Becky! And that Dallas house is so stinkin cute!

  9. ~KS says:

    I bought my friend some Vampire Blood- I love it!! Reminds us of Edward 🙂

  10. Our Baby "D" says:

    I just started following you after stumbling upon your blog somehow. Love your posts! Connor is absolutely precious 🙂 We have the boon spoon too-I can't wait to use it…what a wonderful invention! And I've got to head out to Bath&Body to find that Vampire Blood-too funny!

  11. Our Baby "D" says:

    I just started following you after stumbling upon your blog somehow. Love your posts! Connor is absolutely precious 🙂 We have the boon spoon too-I can't wait to use it…what a wonderful invention! And I've got to head out to Bath&Body to find that Vampire Blood-too funny!

  12. Ginger says:

    Like your new blog look. Don't you love packages and mail. Anything other than bills! lol Have a great day!

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