Baby Photo Shoot

Below are some pictures I took of a co-worker’s granddaughter. Baby Katie was so tiny…I bet she was less than 7 pounds! It’s incredibly hard to pose a newborn. I am not a professional by any means, but I did have fun playing around and shooting some pictures. It was just something they let me do for fun and I had a blast! πŸ™‚

I’m currently getting blog fever again to re-design my layout. I wanted to do something “fall” themed so bare with me while I make some changes to my layout! Hope you all are having a great Wednesday!

DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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17 comments on “Baby Photo Shoot
  1. Tristan says:

    OMG..What a little angel!!

    lol..I think newborns are the easiest to pose..LOL!

    I'M LOVING YOU NEW HEADER..can't wait to see the new look!

  2. I love the photos. I need lessons from you on blog design!

  3. K says:

    cute pictures! what an adorable baby!

    You're welcome to take pics of my newborn if you want to. πŸ™‚

  4. aww, great job! and lovin' the blog design so far! πŸ™‚

  5. ~KS says:

    Becky!! You take phenomenal photos!!! Wow! And this little one is soooo sweet- just want to cuddle with her πŸ™‚

    Can't wait to see your new layout!

  6. She's so gorgeous!!! Great pictures!

  7. Becky says:

    Ohhh adorable!!!!

  8. Shoshanah says:

    I think they turned out great! And I love the little wings she's wearing. It's all really cute

  9. These are awesome! I think it's time for another photography lesson for us. πŸ˜‰

  10. Michelle says:

    Such a sweet lil' baby! Love the last picture.

  11. That last picture is my favorite! I just want to scoop her up and smooch her!

  12. Vanessa says:

    I love your pics! You are a very talented photographer! Your son is adorable, too!! Thanks for the nice comments! : )

  13. Vanessa says:

    I love your pics! You are a very talented photographer! Your son is adorable, too!! Thanks for the nice comments! : )

  14. Michelle says:

    Such a sweet lil' baby! Love the last picture.

  15. These are awesome! I think it's time for another photography lesson for us. πŸ˜‰

  16. That last picture is my favorite! I just want to scoop her up and smooch her!

  17. Tristan says:

    OMG..What a little angel!!

    lol..I think newborns are the easiest to pose..LOL!

    I'M LOVING YOU NEW HEADER..can't wait to see the new look!

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