Monthly Archives: December 2010

Christmas 2010 LAST ONE!

DON’T FORGET TO ENTER TO WIN $100 SMACKERS FROM BLOGHER & JIMMY DEAN HERE I have a few more photos from Christmas to share.  When Connor and I got back from Arkansas we celebrated with Terence’s family Texas style.  Christmas

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Jimmy Dean Better Breakfast, Better You & $100 Giveaway!!!

This is a compensated review from BlogHer and Jimmy Dean, however the opinions and feelings expressed here are my own. A great way kick start a healthy life style is by getting enough protein each day. I recently had the

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Christmas 2010 Part 2

We had such a fabulous time in Arkansas that I couldn’t fit it all into one post!  The weather was definitely cooler than Texas and Las Vegas…which we liked because who wants to celebrate Christmas while sporting pit stains?  Not

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Christmas 2010 Part One

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!  Connor has been sick the past couple of days and he’s teething so it’s been fun 😦  We had a great time in Arkansas with Nana and Poppy, Bonnie, Jason, Jarrett, Nannie, A.

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Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! We made it back home to Texas yesterday and we had a wonderful time in Arkansas with family.  The time went by so fast and I have about a million bazillion bajillion photos to sort through…..

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Leaving on a Jet Plane

We have had a blast in Arkansas! We have to come home tomorrow and will miss Nana, Poppy, and Aunt Bonnie,Jarrett, and Jason 😦 The nice lady sitting next to us took a picture of Connor’s first airplane ride, I

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Ornament Exchange

I participate in an ornament exchange with Karen and Shannon this year.  It was a lot of fun and I love getting mail especially when there is a surprise 🙂  My partner was Laura and I think she chose such a

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Christmas Look-A-Like Winner

 We have a winner on the Christmas look-a-like twinkie contest!  I totally forgot to post the winner…my apologies ya’ll!   Dum…dum…dum…dum… The winner is………… We have a TIE! Stalcup Stuff & Maddux Monologues You both only missed two and the rest of

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Me & My Shadow

This week is going to be incredibly busy.  I am working until Thursday and then that evening Terence is dropping Connor and I off at the airport so we can fly home to Arkansas.  It will be Connor’s first plane

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Christmas luncheon 2010

The bank I work at has a travel club and every year I get to help out with their Christmas luncheon.  I really enjoy it and it’s one of the few times I get to see all our travel customers in

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