Monthly Archives: February 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

I had a fabulous weekend!  My friend Amber took me to a place called The Brownstone in Arlington and it was so cool!  I could have stayed in there for HOURS I tell ya!  It’s got lots of sellers that

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Family Time

Last weekend we went to the park to visit the duck pond.  The weather was so nice, but when we made it to the park it was actually kind of chilly.  I wanted to get a few more pics of Connor

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Tic Tac Toe Socks Giveaway!

I am a sucker for cute socks. No matter what Connor is wearing I think socks make a difference.  At this point he’s not quite walking yet so everyone can see his feet & he’s all over the place so

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Dallas Aquarium

While my parents were in town we visited the Dallas aquarium on Sunday afternoon.  It was a lot of fun looking at all the birds, fish, and sharks.  Terence and I had never been, but had always wanted to go

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First Haircut

Connor had his first big boy haircut today.  His curls were getting a little afro-ish so we decided it was time for a cut.  He looks so much like his Daddy now it’s crazy! ha..ha.. I would like to think

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Connor’s 1st Birthday

We’ve had a great weekend!  Connor’s 1st birthday party was yesterday and we had so much fun!  Thank the Lord my Mom and Dad were here to help…it’s been such a blessing!  We had lots of friends and family here to

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Cool Stuff

Well….after all this planning tomorrow is the big party day!  I want to thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and advice through this crazy time.  It’s been a lot of fun for me!  I think things will turn

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Getting Ready to Part-ay!

OMG ya’ll I’m going to go flat out broke planning this party!  Well, I’ve tried to remain within a budget so my husband doesn’t kill me….but still it’s hard because I am so excited.  I’ve actually never thrown a party

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Valentines Day 2010

 Connor we are so blessed to have you our little cupid!  Terence got me my “annual” Godiva treat 🙂 I always say I enjoy chocolate waaaaay more than flowers!  Thanks honey 😉 I LOVE YOU!!!  I got to do some

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Valentines Day Winner

The winner of the $30.00 gift certificate for a bouqet of their choice is TIFFANY!  Tiffany email me asap at and I’ll get the details so you can go pick something out! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!

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