Monthly Archives: March 2011

New York – Days 2 & 3

RECAP THE REST OF OUR TRIP: HERE, HERE, & HERE Friday Summer took off work to show us around the city.  It was so nice having her with us that day!  We started out at Dean & Deluca.  I’ve always

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New York Day 1 – Part Two

After we got off the ferry from the Statue of Liberty we met up with my friend Maria.  She took a train from New Jersey to come see us.  Maria and I have known each other since I was in

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New York Day 2 – Part One

I am going to split day 2 up into two parts.  Our second day in New York was probably one of the busiest.  We got up early Thursday morning, got coffee, then headed to Wall Street and to see the

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New York Day 1

We had the best time in New York!  The B’s were the best hostess and host in the whole wide world!  I know Terence and I would have been running around the city like two chickens with our heads cut

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A Bachelorette, A Birthday, and Vacation!

It was wiiiindy up on the rooftop!!! This past weekend I attended a bachelorette party for Lauren, a co-worker and friend of mine.  The gals I work with are crazy and a lot of fun.  We had a great time

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The Year we all turned 30

Terence’s best friend since elementary school, Kyle, turned 30 tonight.  We celebrated dining on Kyle’s favorite food….Mexican.  Kyle has always been a very special friend to Terence, and I’m thankful that he has such a good friend!  Happy birthday Kyle

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Fun Finds Friday

Things I Likey…. Owl Mobile Design your own Monster Cute Easter Puffy Baskets Easter Nesting Eggs I love Oil Cloth The Twinery Shop Sweet Lulu For some reason I want one of these : A FatBoy What are you loving

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Happy St. Patricks Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!!

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Rockin my Red Shoes

Connor got some new red shoes last weekend.  He thinks he is something else when he has big boy shoes on.  Now that he’s a walker and all (well sometimes).  I just wanted to snap a few photos for memories

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Skidders Socks & Shoes

Connor and I recieved some really cool socks and shoes called “Skidders“.  Innovative and hassle-free, Skidders introduces a new way to wear socks and shoes. About Skidders: A durable, non-slip outsole and cushioned insole will comfort and protect his/her feet

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