Monthly Archives: August 2011

Crust LESS Quiche

I’ve been trying to cook more around the house.  It’s healthier than eating all that pre-packaged food & it’s waaay cheaper!  I don’t like things that require a lot of ingredients though.  I don’t eat beef, but I do eat

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Enjoying Every Second!

Lately I’ve been trying to enjoy every second of life.  I just feel like time has been moving waaaay too quickly!  We have a good routine down now…..  OUR DAY: * Wake Up* Shower & get ready* Wake Connor up

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Our Weekend

We had a busy fun and busy weekend! Terence and I got to attend a western fashion show and benefit called Branded.  His Aunt Beverly & Aunt Lyn both help put on this show every year in part with their Careity

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Saturday Morning Scene

He’s such a silly boy! Saturday: I cleaned my entire house today, including under the fridge and under the stove!  Woohoo!  In a weird way that makes me feel better?  You don’t even want to know what was lurking under

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Make Me Over Friday – SmashBox

One of my favorite things in my makeup bag are kits.  Kits or palettes make life so much easier because they have everything you need all wrapped up into a little box/bundle/bag. You don’t have to figure out what eyeshadow,

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THANK YOU & Hatch Chile Enchiladas

First of all I want to say thank you to everyone for all the responses I had on yesterday’s post. I had no idea that so many other people felt that way! I don’t consider myself to be the best

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I love FREE stuff!

Remember last week how I posted about a promotion I was doing with Deals in DFW ??? They were giving away 5,000 FREE Starbucks cards? Well….I got mine & so did Ter-Bear and a lot of other folks 🙂 Today they

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Kitchen Evolution-The American Dream

I was going to post another chapter to our love story, but instead I wanted to go a different direction today. Terence and I were married really young.  We were barely 20.  I mean we couldn’t even rent a hotel

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Fall Foodie

Connor got his first polo shirt 🙂  Now he officially looks 100% like his Daddy  I had to get some pictures of him of course 😉 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! He is so hilarious! I’ve been feeling the urge to bake some fall

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A Hiking We Will Go

We took Connor on his very first nature hike Saturday.  We woke up at the crack of dawn & headed to Starbucks for coffee then to the trails.  Poor little Connor was so tired, but he quickly livened up and

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