Monthly Archives: September 2011

Friday Randoms for Fall

We’ve had so much going on lately I can barely keep my head up! Connor watching Daddy dance with Elmo and Cookie Monster on Kinect My good friend Julie gave me this owl candle holder & you can burn oil

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It’s Coming…Christmas in Cowtown!

I’m so excited about an event coming up here in Fort Worth.  It’s called Christmas in Cowtown and it’s an event the Junior League puts on every year.  It’s a marketplace FULL of gifts for everyone on your Christmas list! 

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Make Me Over Stuff I’m Loving…

I received this new product from Benefit Cosmetics a couple weeks ago and I’m LOVING it!  You just glide on cheek & brow bones…then sculpt with its soft glow blender for your perfect gleam. Can be applied solo or over existing

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Here to Save the Day!

A couple weeks ago there was a deal on Plum District to get a super hero cape.  I ordered Connor one so we had some fun with it tonight!  His Daddy had one like it that his Mom made when he

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$50 Kodak Gallery Winner!

The winner of the Kodak Gallery gift card is: Ashley Brooke!!! Email me at to claim your loot!

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Scarlett’s RED Birthday party!

Yesterday I had the honor of taking pictures of Miss Scarlett’s first birthday 🙂 She loves the color red, so it didn’t surprise me that her party was just that…RED! It turned out so cute and her Momma did such

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Saturday Morning Scene

We got a fun hat from Groovy Holidays.  They have the cutest banners, bags, & hats!  If you haven’t been over there to check it out you must because it is cuteness galore.  I already saw a banner I love

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A Little of This a Little of That

Today is day 3 of the paleo diet.  I’m finally starting to recover.  I guess you could say I’ve been detoxing or I’ve had the “diet flu”.  Basically I’ve felt like crap.  FINALLY today I have some energy & am

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And so it Goes

Day one of diet.  Hard.  Tired.  Hungry. I can do this. We just did our sprints & ate our chicken with cabbage/cucumber/mango salad.  Not as bad as you would think!  I’m going through major MAJOR caffeine withdrawals which is to

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Diet Day One

So tomorrow starts day ONE of our diet.  We’ve committed as a family to do this diet for a whole 30 days…and after that make it a lifestyle change.  Eventually we’ll be able to add other things back in, but

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