Monthly Archives: December 2011

Candid Christmas Recap

Most of the time I don’t carry my big honking camera with me everywhere I go.  I am loving my new phone camera, so a lot of the pictures I took over Christmas were with my phone.  I wanted to

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Christmas on the Farm

We had a great Christmas on the farm with Nannie, Nana, Poppy, Aunt Bonnie, Jarrett, Aunt Karli, and Lindsey.  It was so nice to be home and the farm is always so peaceful and a great place to eat and

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Christmas 2011- Part One Jarrett’s 2nd Birthday

Terence and I started off Christmas vacation with a bang!  As soon as I got off of work we drove straight through the night to Arkansas.  On Wednesday we celebrated Jarrett’s 2nd birthday.  It was so nice to see my

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We Made it HOME!

We had the BEST Christmas! It had been a year since we’d seen Bonnie and Jarrett so it was extra special 🙂 I’m trying to recover right now and unpack all our things.  It’s back to the daily grind tomorrow. 

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merry christmas to all!

We are having a very merry time in Arkansas! Lots of love to all of you and your families! We will be back to our regular scheduled programming tomorrow!!!

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Best Friends

We are having the best time visiting in Arkansas!  Tonight was Jarrett’s 2nd birthday party and so many of our best friends from highschool were there….with all their kids too! I love you all and it was so wonderful to

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Christmas Celebrations Begin!

Last night we had dinner over at Aunt Loyce and Uncle Garry’s house.  They were so sweet to have all of us over.  We had a blast and it was a great way to kick off Christmas week! After all

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Oreo POKE Cake

I made the oreo poke cake that has been on Pinterest.  It’s from HER website. It turned out great so thought I would share 🙂 Ingredients: 1 Box Chocolate Cake Mix Ingredients needed to make cake (usually eggs, oil and

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Connor Says ABC’s

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Twas the weekend before Christmas..

We had absolutely nothing to do this morning….shocker!  My Christmas shopping is pretty much done.  We headed to Southlake just to walk around and take in the festivities.  Didn’t buy a thing!We saw this pretty Christmas tree…… I’m counting down

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