Monthly Archives: April 2012

Baby Shower for Julie

This weekend I threw a baby shower for my good friend and co-worker Julie.  It thrilled my heart to be able to do this for her!  I’m so excited for baby Allie to be here!  Ever since I moved to Fort

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High Five it’s Friday!

HIGH FIVE IT’S FRIDAY! Link up HERE “Here’s lookin at you babe!” I love how he goes and watches movies in our bed….. I adore this graphite color Longchamp tote.  And you can get it monogrammed for free!  I love

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CONTEST ALERT: Free Coffee???

Wanna win some free Starbucks??? JUST LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW AND TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE DRINK? (Winner picked Friday, May 4th)   My boss gave me flowers today…isn’t that presh!  We are also having cupcakes too!  We have crap like this all

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Life Happenings…

*SPONSOR ALERT* I’ve been thinking about it for awhile & I want to open up my blog for sponsorship.  I’ve had a few people ask about their products being featured on my blog or an advertisement.  I set up an account

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"That’s Dope"

(Lady GaGa who???) Today I’m channeling my inner “Turtlenecks and Chains” & showing you what I think is “dope”  I love me some Andy Samberg and Justin Timberlake.  I think if Andy leaves SNL I’m gonna cry! I may turn

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Picture Keeper Giveaway Winner!

/*{literal}{/literal}*/ a Rafflecopter giveaway

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DFW Blogger Directory: Add Yo’Self!

I’m so excited to get the ball rolling on this.  I know the Houston gals have something similar where they do bloggy meetups and plan fun events.  I’m hoping to start the same thing here in the DFW area.  If

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Kim’s Lovely Party

This weekend I got to see one of my FAVORITE blog friends….who is now a real life friend…KIM! I love her so much and she is so genuinely nice and has the sweetest heart 🙂 Kim invited me to her

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Maternity Shoot with Julie

Maternity shoot for Julie….head on over to my photography site HERE

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It’s Friday Ya’ll!

Happy Friday Ya’ll! I’m linking up with Fabulous but Evil and her “Nail Files” partay….. This is Essie “Trophy Wife” LOL!  I totally didn’t know that was the name…but trophy wife I am not! I just had to share some

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