Monthly Archives: May 2012

31 Years- Birthday Recap

I had a great birthday yesterday.  You know for a Wednesday and all.  I feel like we already celebrated when my parents were in town.  I remember in my twenties thinking the thirties were SO old.  And here we are…..I’m

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Memorial Day Memories

I had a long four day weekend and it was exactly what I needed!  My Mom & Dad drove to visit from Arkansas and spoiled us all rotten.  It was so good to see my Mommy & Daddy I miss

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If only we could all be this relaxed eh? Oh the joys and peacefulness of childhood.  Having your every need tended to and even having someone to wipe your own hiney!  And then you grow up….. Well, most of you

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Memorial Day

May we remember all those who fought and died for our country today.  Because of them we are free to live.  Thanks be to God for all those brave souls. I encourage you to go read this post as well……in

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Knot Genie Winner!

The Winner of the Knot Genie brush is….. LACY!!! Congrats!  Email me at with your info 🙂

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Something To Look Forward To…

Gulp. So excited!

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Milo Paper {Giveaway}

Let me introduce you to the cute and stylish Milo Paper.  Milo Paper has the cutest stationary, notebooks, notepads, placemats, wall calendars….and much more!  Not to mention they are the nicest folks you’ll ever meet! Don’t you just adore these

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Anxiety & Depression

Most of you know that I suffer from anxiety…and sometimes depression. It’s something that has affected my life since around the age of 16. Some days are easier than other. I’m sure my coffee habit doesn’t help the anxiety part

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Chalkboard Fun

Well, I told ya’ll I was wanting to turn an old mirror that has been sitting in our closet for a few years into a chalkboard for Connor.  It worked out great and I think he’ll like playing with this

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Weekend Wrap-Up

We had a pretty chill weekend.  Relaxed with friends, went hiking, and I worked on my chalkboard project!  I’m not so sure how it’s going to come out, right now it’s at home drying.  I painted chalkboard paint on top

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