Monthly Archives: September 2012

Finally Framed!

We finally got the drawing of Connor we had done in Paris framed…. <a href="javascript:void((function(){var%20e=document.createElement('script');e.setAttribute('type','text/javascript');e.setAttribute('charset','UTF-8');e.setAttribute('src',''+Math.random()*99999999);document.body.appendChild(e)})( I think it turned out great 🙂

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Go Frogs!

Isn’t this the cutest thing you’ve ever seen!   I think we are going to use this as Connor’s Halloween costume 🙂   GO FROGS!

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Fall Fab Finds!

We are so ready to get our fall on!  And this weekend the weather is supposed to drop in temp a little bit so I am so excited and I just can’t hide it!!!! I got this cute shirt from

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I have Christmas on the brain…I know what you are thinking “Becky you are insane”!!!! I don’t know why, and I am totally NOT skipping over fall festivities and Thanksgiving.  So no worries. I was thinking of doing our tree

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Commenting Complex

Lately I have been super busy.  Like so busy my anxiety has been on overdrive and we are about to hit the holidays….so wooooosh.  Here it comes.  Plus work has been slamming me. Sometimes I feel guilty for not being

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A Bunch of Biz

I participated in Meredith’s scarf swap a few weeks ago and my precious partner Andie sent me the CUTEST infinity scarf in my favorite shades of green!  She’s so nice!  I have never owned an infinity scarf and I love

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Weekend Update

This past weekend Connor and I met up with his Grana, Aunts, and cousins to go see Big Bird and friends at the planetarium.  It was at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.  We saw stars, the moon,

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Swapping Fall Goodies + A Treat

I participated in a fall swap earlier this month.  My precious partner was Allie.  She did an AMAZING job! OMG Allie everything you chose I loved.  I’ve already worn the scarf to work and got several compliments on it.  I

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Show Us Your Life Singles!!!

This is my dear friend Amber.   She’s been such a great friend to me since I’ve been in Texas.  She is one of those people who within 5 minutes you feel like you’ve known them for 5 years. She’s

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Frizz Control

Okay I am embarrassed I’m even posting this picture of myself.  But this is how my crazy hair truly is!  If you’ve seen my 2 year old’s fro then here’s where he gets it from….. Sorry kid. I’ve been straightening my hair

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