Halloween at Work: 2012 BridesMaids Movie

Every year the place I work at goes all out for Halloween.  Everyone dresses up and we all have a theme.  This years theme was Hollywood Movie Stars (Movies).  We chose the movie Bridesmaids!

Prepare for picture overload….we all had the best time and partied all day!  We even had a wedding reception and invited some customers to join in. 

Everyone purchased their dresses on Ebay or Etsy.  It’s really hard to find an 80’s dress these days ya’ll!

Here we are all the bridesmaids and some of the groomsmen:

Our colors were hot pink and purple
The reception area:

I found this great tutorial on Oh Happy Day Blog to make these crepe paper fringe decorations.

LOVE THEM!!!! And sooooo easy!

The isle:

Sassy Bride: Miss Kindra….soon to be Mrs in February 2013!
Bridesmaid poses
After a long night partying at the wedding:

The cake
I made it!  It took me forever and tipped in the car, but other than that it looked and tasted great 🙂
Lights! Camera! Action!

Photo Booth

 Kindra…she’s actually wearing MY wedding dress from over 11 years ago!!!
 Let the hair teasing begin!
 Miss Linda in all her frill

 We had some guests at the wedding too!  Some more Hollywood stars:

Edward from Twilight..ha ha..
And Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell
 Kindra and her real groom to be Clint
 Teenage Mutin Ninja Turtle???
 My boss Bill….ha ha!  What a great pic!
Karen and Miller Time

Lucy & Me 🙂
Cassie, Bella from Twilight, and Victoria from Twilight

We had the best time and now I’m excited because my favorite season is upon us!  Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!! Woohoo!!!!

I’ll post some pics later of Connor trick-or-treating…but wanted to share this fun stuff first.

xoxo Becky

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DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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