Blogger Biggest Loser: The Prizes

Janarah Designs is donating a decorated box with motivational cards inside.

Initials, Inc.
A city tote from Initials Inc. valued at $69.00!
Danita,the owner of Heavenly Blessings Gifts is donating a $25.00 gift card to her site.
Trainer in PINK is offering a free training session or boot camp.
I am going to contribute a $25.00 gift card for a skinny latte at Starbucks!

Also, my co-host Amanda has some great things to add too…I’m sure there will be more to add!  But this is what we have so far for the winner and hopefully it will help motivate you for the last couple weeks of our Blogger Biggest Loser competition! Love yuns!

Looking forward to all your link-ups tomorrow! 

(If you have a store/or merchandise you would like to donate to our challenge please feel free to email me at

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DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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