Monthly Archives: March 2013

Too Cool For School

Connor started a new pre-school this year and he’s really loving it.  One of his favorite things is having his independence and his own cubby to put his “things” in.  He gets so excited when he goes to his cubby

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If I Die First….

I leave the house for ONE weekend and it seems like the vomit fairy sprinkled all her crazy dust over my family.  We’ve pretty much been hibernating since Saturday.  I left for Blissdom on Thursday and all is well in the

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Come Dine With Me

Dinner parties need be neither exhausting nor daunting. The key to successful, stress-free entertaining is all in the planning and preparation. If you’re relaxed and ready to welcome your guests, then your good mood will set the tone for the

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DFW Bloggers Meetup

I am excited to announce the next DFW Bloggers Spring Meet Up is Saturday, April 27 in Fort Worth’s West 7th Street Development. We’re bowling at Lucky Strike and eating dinner at Brownstone Kitchen + Bar. You don’t want to

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Picture Keeper Winners + One for You!

I really enjoyed meeting so many new bloggers at Blissdom this past weekend.  One of my favorite things was collecting all your pretty bloggy cards with your info on them.  I’m having fun looking everyone up and saying “Yeah, I

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Blissdom 2013

I came, I saw/heard, and conquered. Blissdom 2013  I’ve always wanted to go to a blogging conference.  They always seem to be on the East or West coast, so I was thrilled to find out Blissdom was going to be here

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Off To Blissdom I Go!

I’m so excited today is the day that Blissdom starts!!! Woohoo! Can’t wait to meet so many faces I’ve only “met” online. Looking forward to a fun few days of learning, fun, and friendship. Follow along via Instagram or Twitter 🙂 Thanks again to my

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The 3 Birthday Race Car Party {That Didn’t Happen}

Sometimes you have the best intentions and then life happens.  I had all the party supplies, cupcakes, and everything else needed for the perfect race car birthday ready to go…..then Friday night happened.  Connor was up all night with a

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I Need Your Help!

Hey Ya’ll!   I need your help!  I entered a contest for our local mall to be a Style Setter Blogger and I made it to the top 3 finalists!!!  Yay!    Can you help a sista out by voting

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Blogger Biggest Loser Winner!!!

I had the hardest time choosing a winner for this challenge.  You all did great and far exceeded my own progress.  I look forward to watching your continued success too!  Maybe we’ll do a 6 month progress report???   In

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