Too Cool For School

Connor started a new pre-school this year and he’s really loving it.  One of his favorite things is having his independence and his own cubby to put his “things” in.  He gets so excited when he goes to his cubby every day.  


He’s a typical 3 year old.  He loves carrying around all his toys with him all the time!  Everywhere we go.  So, with Connor starting school he needed a backpack to store all those tiny toys and maybe even carry a few pull-ups of his own now. 


PatchPak sent us this fun new backpack to try and Connor hasn’t taken it off since.  I kid you not, he literally loads it up with toys and take it with him everywhere.


Just look at that face??? Is he excited or what! ha ha!

Connor picked the color, green, his favorite.  PatchPak also has a wide variety of patches you can buy to customize your own backpack.  Your kids can pick out the first letter of their name, their age, or a picture they like.  PatchPak has large and small backpacks, lunch packs, and binders to customize.

 Yep…I’d definitely say he’s “too cool for school”

(We were given a free backpack for this review)

PatchPak is offering (1) reader of The Java Mama a $75 credit to their site!!!




Thanks so much PatchPak.  We love our new big boy back pack!


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DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at

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