Easter Basket 2013

We had a great weekend with a family dinner & egg hunt, along with a beautiful church service today.  I’m missing my family back home today, especially on Easter where we would always go to the farm.  So thankful for Jesus sacrifice so that we can live…..I’m so not worthy of anything.  Thank you Lord for my beautiful family and friends and this life you have given,

  Hope you all had a great Easter too!!!!

Although we don’t really do the Easter bunny, we did do a basket for the lil guy and here are some pictures I took….I’ll post the rest of our Easter weekend later. *Cherishing this age and these moments*

“Oh my gosh a fire truck”
Bunny love
He loved these little mini slinkies
“Is there any more?”
 “You mean there’s CANDY inside?”
And of course every child must have the gigantic chocolate bunny…obligatory of course 😉
(He shared with Mom)

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DFW full time working wife and mom. Addicted to caffeine. If it weren't for caffeine I'd have no personality whatsoever. I blog over at www.thejavamama.com

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